Superbonus 110%: an opportunity not to be missed!

What is the so-called “Superbonus 110%“?
The 110% Superbonus is an incentive measure introduced by the D.L. “Relaunch” 19 May 2020, n. 34, which aims to make our homes more efficient and safer. The mechanism provides that the interventions can also be carried out at no cost to the citizen!
The Superbonus is divided into two types of interventions: the Super Ecobonus facilitates energy efficiency works; the Super Sismabonus encourages those of anti-seismic adaptation. The incentive consists of a 110% deduction that is applied to the expenses incurred from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2022 to be divided among those entitled to it in five annual installments and, for the part of the expenditure incurred in the year 2022, in four annual dues of the same amount.
In order to enjoy the Super Ecobonus it is necessary to carry out at least one so-called “driving” intervention. The driving interventions consist in the thermal insulation of the building envelope, whether it is multi-family or single-family, in the replacement of heating systems with centralized systems, in the replacement of heating systems on single-family buildings or on real estate units located inside multi-family buildings that are functionally independent and have one or more independent accesses from the outside.
To be able to enjoy the Super Sismabonus, it is sufficient to carry out an anti-seismic adjustment intervention. In this case, it is possible to take advantage of the 110% deduction also for the installation of photovoltaic systems and storage systems. On the Super Sismabonus, however, there are no limits on the number of houses that can be renovated. In order to take advantage of the 110% deduction, the building must be located in the seismic zones 1,2,3.
But how to get the “Superbonus 110%“?
The beneficiary may decide to exercise the option of the discount on the invoice: the company or companies that have carried out the work apply a discount of up to 100% of the invoice value and the citizen thus carries out the work without any monetary outlay. In this way, the company will receive a tax credit equal to 110% of the amount of the discount applied, to be used again in five annual installments of the same amount (or four for expenses incurred in 2022). For example, if the total value of the work is € 10,000 and the company decides to apply a discount equal to 100% of the invoice, a credit of € 11,000 will be recognized.
Alternatively, the taxpayer can always bear the cost of the work directly and then decide whether to use the deduction as compensation to pay less taxes or to transfer the tax credit to third parties (including credit institutions).
This measure creates a virtuous market mechanism that offers benefits to all those involved: citizens can renovate their homes for free, reduce the cost of bills and enhance their real estate assets; the company can increase its turnover thanks to the greater volume of work; the state can make homes more efficient and safer and support the increase in employment and income.